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Investment Law


Investment is new additions to asset values ​​that increase the production and service power of a national economy or a trade organization. In this context, the investment can be made to a country as a whole or to a private company or organization.


Before the investment is made, it is necessary to review the relevant country, sector, organization, company, legal and economic situation, market, and legislation according to the determined data. While conducting research on these data, comprehensive opinions should be obtained from lawyers and experts in economics.


Investment law covers activities such as following up, performing, and taking precautions according to the foresights that will be encountered in investment processes. In the event the investment is carried out in one country, it is also the subject of investment law to investigate the relevant country's legislation, whether it is possible to make foreign investments, and to take legal measures that will affect the investment process, such as currency regulation. Again, issues such as whether to establish a company in the relevant country, the legal nature of the company or the structure to be established are also examined. It is mandatory to include dispute resolution methods suitable for the relevant investment in the relevant regulations.


Investment is not only an action to be carried out in a foreign country. Investments can be made in a particular sector within the country. In the investments to be made in the country, researches are made on the basis of the relevant sector, the incentives that can be utilized are examined, and the investment in the sector is carried out with the most accurate legal transactions. It is possible that the start-ups, the numbers of which have increased rapidly around the world and in Turkey in the recent period, are also subject to investment. Investors may consider investing in start-ups.


Alparslan Attorneys At Law provides legal support to investment processes with expert lawyers on investment law. Including the No. 4875 Direct Foreign Investments Code mainly in investment to be made in Turkey are given legal advisory services under all relevant legislation, residence of foreigners in foreign activities to be carried out in Turkey and work permits, execution of administrative processes, proceedings if necessary and / or the execution of the arbitration process is also possible. Again, arbitration processes can be carried out both ad hoc and institutional arbitration processes. Legal support is also provided in arbitration processes such as ICC and ICSID, as well as domestic arbitration centers such as the Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) and the TOBB Arbitration Court.

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