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Energy Law


Energy is an indispensable element to provide daily requirements. Any interruption in the supply of energy resources may bring results that can affect not only a particular region or country, but the entire world. For this reason, many issues such as the circulation of energy, its sustainability, price, and the way it is supplied are evaluated within this process.


The production of energy is realized not only from a single source. There are different sources of energy. Although petrol, natural gas and coal are the first sources that come to mind, there is a high demand for renewable energy sources such as solar and wind recent years. In addition to the investments in known energy resources in Turkey, major investments have been made in the renewable energy fields in recent years, new initiatives directed towards this sector have been established and sub-industry production has started to meet the requirements of the sector. In addition, studies have started on biomass and nuclear energy, and activities for the import, production and use of these energy resources have increased. In each energy source, relevant sector-based researches are made, if any, incentives that may be utilized are examined, and the legal process in the sector is carried out with the most accurate legal procedures. In this context, international resources are monitored for the international circulation of energy.


The supply of energy is accepted as a public activity. Therefore, it is an area where public law fields such as administrative law and competition law are intensely applied together with private law provisions. It is essential to provide professional support, especially in the field of administrative law. The activities of regulatory agencies such as the Energy Market Regulatory Authority also steer the sector. As viewed from this aspect, it is seen that energy law has a different and diffuse legislation than other fields of law. For this reason, even if a legal process is carried out, it is very important to get opinions and support from experts trained in the industry.


Energy law is a legal field that may not be separated from investment law. Therefore, mastering both the dynamics of energy law and investment law provides a great advantage in the processes to be carried out. Since, the participation of foreign investors is very common in the energy supply processes in both domestic and international process.


With the advantage of being established in Ankara, Alparslan Attorneys At Law quickly follow the ministerial level transactions, provide professional support on administrative law and provide the legal support required by its clients. The legal support is provided with competent lawyers on energy law and experts in the field of work with each energy sector. All kinds of legal developments in the sector may be needed in the energy law process as to be shared with up to date client services may be offered. Again, arbitration processes can be carried out both ad hoc and institutional arbitration processes. Legal support is also provided in arbitration processes such as ICC, ICSID and UNCITRAL, as well as domestic arbitration centers such as the Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) and the TOBB Arbitration Court.




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